Replace this page with text of your own.

PHP Dynamic Form Database Manager

  • Create a new dynamic form.
  • Create a MySQL database table to store the input information from the html form.
  • Create the html form to submit the records to the MySQL datable table.
  • Create the html form to search the records in the MySQL datable table.
  • Create the html page to display the records in the MySQL datable table.
  • Create the html thankyou page.
  • Create the php script to submit the user input to the MySQL datable table and send an email.

Managers - Open existing Form
  • Edit | Delete | Approve | Disapprove Record Entries
  • Add | Edit | Delete Database Fields
  • Export/Import Database Table Records

  • Edit | Delete Database Fields in any MySQl database table.
  • Edit the countries Database Table Records used by the html forms.
  • Edit the states Database Table Records used by the html forms.

  • Search all MySQl Database Tables for records that contain an email address.
  • Search all MySQl Database Tables for records that contain an phone numbers.
  • Search all MySQl Database Tables for records that contain a name or characters.

The scripts are controlled by a two configuration files: global_inc.php and global_path_inc.php The files contain variables that define your:
  • MySQL database connection settings.
  • Website business information.
  • System paths to the scripts and html templates.

You can edit the configuration files by hand or run the Setup admin to enter the variables online in your browser.
(note. The configuration file global_inc.php must be writeable by the Setup script to edit the file online in your browser. Use your FTP client software and set the configuration file global_inc.php file permissions to 666. 'chmod 666'. For security reasons you should set the configuration file global_inc.php file permissions back to 644 after your satisfied with your changes.)

Remember to make back-up copies of all configuration files, in case one of the changes you make while experimenting renders the scripts inoperable.

Configure - Install Database Tables
Run the install script to create the MySQL database tables.
The install script will create the:
  • Form properties database table
  • Form properties options database table
  • Form properties select options database table
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