Mr Giggles.

Boyd is so much fun to be around. Always happy, ever pleasant.



Not Nicked!

This faux patrol car was left on the highway with it's radar-a-blazzin.

Omar , with 3 warrants in Arizona, could not resist the photo up, so we played along.

The Taxi driven by Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon. It's 
making somewhere around 550 HP and you can hear the damn thing coming 
long before you see it.


These guys could roll 
their own cigarettes inside the roofless Lotus, at 140 mph! 

Pops had to ditch the Subaru for the Lotus eventually.

Pete swapped into our car and nearly passed out he was so comfortable.


Upon reaching California, most of the hired talent grabbed their bags and ran for the Hollywood hills. Many skipped the San Diego checkpoint entirely, then tried to show back up at the finishline.
The only driver to do that was Keith in the Black Continental GT. He always seems to be in the company of hired women!!

21 for a week.
Poor grace. After the Bullrun she had to go back to not being 21, 

The Cuban Brothers are legends in the rallying world...

After all, what's a rally finish party 
without naked Cuban Brothers?


Bullrun 2006


1, 2, 3,

this happy little clusterf**k has been brought to you by iluminada design
©2022 iluminada design