Being in a two-seater sportscar for a week has it's problems, ie, legroom.
Oh, those Utah police are bastards. Dirty rotten bastards.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
The race is on to get to the salt flats! James the photog with Nicolas about 2 minutes before they get nabbed by the coppers.
The F40 was smart to keep it's rear engine ass off the salt. Bill in his yellow lambo wasn't. Broke down 7 miles out.
Tim decided to keep his Porsche off the salt too. Smart man. I'm still finding salt chunks 2 months later.
Dennis Rodman took down Hayden Skywalker in the Lambo Gallardo Vs. Murciealago battle royale.
Drifting when you're doing more than 70 mph is fun, very fun.
We lined up all the willing Bullrunners and had a linear Convoy going for the cameras. It soon turned into drifting doughnut mania !!
Driving a sportscar on the salt flats has to be the funnest thing you can possibly do in a car...
Photo-op 144.
Ryan Dunn and Dennis Collins hit 200 mph on the road leading into the salt flats. Then they got out and noticed the Ferrari had a flat tire.
The crowd in Reno was haywire. You had to weave your way through a Gauntlet of fans and Reno police high-fives!
Folks looking for autographs. I signed my name illegibly so they can't tell I'm not famous.
Here's my wife-to-be signing her soon-to-be-old last name, we got married less than a week after the Bullrun ended.
The Bullrun party at Circus Circus was super fun. But most importantly, the food was super good and the booze was super free!


Bullrun 2005: SLC to Reno, via the Bonneville Salt flats!

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